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Painted room DAC

Faux Painting Instructor 
Brian Bullard is an American Master Decorative Artist, certified in the trade during an eight-year experience of studying and working in Germany from 1986 to 1994. Trained in Europe's "dual-system" apprenticeship program, he was employed by the Heinrich Paulus-Fueller Decorative Arts company. Bullard was assigned to various decorative painting duties in high-end villas, hotels, storefronts, and restaurants throughout Europe.

In 1994 he returned to the United States, establishing "European Surface Techniques", a full-service decorative arts company, working the St. Louis, Missouri metro area as well as several locations throughout the U.S.

He opened the Decorative Arts Center in 2000. The DAC is one of the only "non product" oriented schools in the nation. Students are taught on locally accessible materials and tools and enjoy increased mobility, a smaller inventory to maintain, and higher profits.

Bullard has trained thousands of students from every state in the U.S. as well as consulted and guided hundreds of clients in the establishment and maintainence of their own small business.

He moved to Houston, Texas, in 2011.

As your instructor at the faux school, Brian Bullard offers years of theoretical and practical knowledge and experience in art and business.

"I initially had the idea of creating a school for the decorative arts while studying in Europe. My dream came true by opening The Decorative Arts Center, a faux school where I can teach the tricks I learned from other masters of the trade.

My methods are considered practical and effective, I like to get to the point and the from "A to B" so students can spend a full day painting or plastering in school. I teach "low inventory, great look, and high profit", if a graduate can exercise that in the field they can be a success. We have successfully trained thousand of novices, professionals, and faux businesses in our methods. 

If you're eager to learn theoretical practical knowledge and experience, and love to paint or plaster, I want the opportunity to help you reach your goals. Today can be your first step towards a new beginning!".

Decorative Arts Center
Workshop photo
Painting a landscape mural class
 Painting School Info
Artist's Portfolio
 To view some of Brian's 
completed faux painting, 
plastering, & 
Trompe l'oeil - Mural 
decorative arts projects

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Copyright Decorative Arts Center, faux finishing school for faux and mural painting, 2011-12